This notice exists only for personal commission that requires a NON-TRIVIAL amount of my dedicated time and effort. This has nothing to do with anything on THIS blog.
And dear my friends, if you read this please just ignore. This notice has nothing to do with whatever I’ve already offered to you.
§§§ Baseline
- I expect to be paid under the minimum hourly wage standard1: €12/Hour
§§§ Web design / hosting / maintenance
For a typical website, e.g. a personal blog:
- for design and maintenance : the hourly baseline applies.
- you are expected to pay for your own domain name. I can proxy this for you. For your reference a .com domain typically costs 10 ~ 20 euros per year.
- if you don’t already have your own VPS, I can offer mine for a price depending on your storage demand and traffic.
Please note that I’m not a web professional and I don’t do this for a living. This offer stands on a “friend of friend of friend asks for a favor” basis.