
  • For information only. This is NOT health advisory
  • “Maximum Dose” is not safety dose
  • Numbers DO NOT apply to children and pregnant women

Reference / Data Source

Coffeine intake Daily Max. ~= 400 mg

Getränk Koffein (mg / 100ml) Portion Koffein per Portion
Filterkaffee 55 150 ml cup 82.5 mg
Expresso 133 25 ml cup 32.25 mg
Entkoffeiniert 2 150 ml cup 3 mg
Instantkaffee 39 150 ml cup 58.5 mg
Schwarzer Tee 20 150ml cup 30 mg
Grüner Tee 19 150ml cup 28.5 mg
Trinkschokolade 6 150ml cup 9 mg
Coca Cola 10 330 ml can 33 mg
Coca Cola light/zero 12 330 ml can 39.6 mg
Afri Cola 10 200 ml bottle 20 mg
Fritz-Kola 25 330 ml bottle 82.5 mg
Club Mate 20 500 ml bottle 100 mg
Red Bull 32 250 ml can 80 mg
“Energy Booster” - - 34 mg / tablet
“Gamer Gum” - - 60 mg / gum

Coffeine intake max per body weight

max coffein per portion : Weight (kg) x 3mg
max coffein daily       : Weight (kg) x 6mg

i.e. 80 kg weight = 
    max 480 mg daily            (5~6 cups)
    max 240 mg single serving   (2 cups)
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