hugo weird list
this is just a unused listing style. keeping it here because I spent quite some time on it. (Quite some hackary…)
The idea is that a post e.g. /content/post/foo/bar/
should be renered into
<span>::post::foo::bar::<<a href="link">>that</a></span>
in this case pages should be sorted w/ their path (as in file path).
partial namespace-list-plain.html
{{- range .}}
{{- $cat := split .Path "/" }}
{{- if gt (len $cat) 1 }}
{{- $cat := after 2 $cat }}
{{- end}}
{{- $cat = first (sub (len $cat) 1) $cat}}
{{- $prefix := delimit $cat "::"}}
{{$prefix}}::<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }} </a>
{{- end }}