Writing in pure html

... not even with css...

Even a format as simple as markdown sometimes feels bloated... Some times I just want to put some text somewhere, for example:

  • my pubkeys
  • the gammick RFC page
  • ...
  • So I have a "standalone" parameter in the markdown frontmatter. The template will not include site widgets like logo, nav, footer etc. That's pretty minimalistic, but why can't I just write basic html? So here it is, vanilla html source, presented to the viewer as-is. This feels refreshing. I will pretend that I live in the 80s.

    Drawback: the html encoding is always a pain in the ass. That means to print "<", I need to type "&lt", and for " I need to type "&quot"... Well I could imagine rendering the page in my head, but html is obviously less WYSIWYG than markdown...

    And just stop caring about ricing...Okay I need to admit I spent a lot of time "ricing" my desktop environment, as well as my blog theme. Like I learned haskell only to "rice" my xmonad setup; I have a full-fledged IDE-like neomvim(and vim) setup... whatever... But at the end of the day I'm driven by my OCD to remove as much "bloated" configs as possible.