This is pure fucking preformatted text. .. while seemingly trivial, hugo
doesn't support this. It has to be one the supported content formats [1]
because who the fuck writes things like this?

I'm not hacking plaintext content format into hugo, this is a hack:
actually I'm writing a markdown document. For which preformatting text
is meaningless. And that's why I'm having this `vi: ft=txt` line at the
bottom to prevent mark editor (nvim) from doing markdown filetype stuffs
(plugins, syntax, hl...)

I added this new frontmatter (i.e. page params)

title: "..."
raw_pre: true

And in the template `layouts/_default/single.html` use simply this:

{{if .Params.raw_pre}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body><pre> {{- .RawContent }} </pre></body></html>

The catch is that you use .RawContent instead of .Content, such that
hugo will use the text as is, isntead of rendering it. And the text is
automatically passed thorugh html encoding, such that html tags like <a>
actuall becomes &lt;a&gt; so that this is page is pure fucking plaintext

[1] -

            /\             /\
           \ ."  :'. .':  ". /
          ==)  _ :  '  : _  (==
            |>/O\   _   /O\<|
            | \-"~` _ `~"-/ |   jgs
           >|`===. \_/ .===`|<
     .-"-.   \==='  |  '===/   .-"-.
.---{'. '`}---\,  .-'-.  ,/---{.'. '}---.
 )  `"---"`     `~-===-~`     `"---"`  (
(  what about some ascii stuffs?        )
 )                                     (

code snippets on this page are public domain (or CC0)
vi: ft=txt:tw=72