List synchronization, from coarse-grained to non blocking wait-free
Concepts: Wait-free and Lock-free
An object impl. is wait-free if every thread completes a method in a finite number of steps:
- NO mutual exclusion (thread should not halt in critical section)
- NO while loop (that may keep spining..)
An object impl. if lock-free if in an infinite execution infinitely often some method call finishes(in a finite number of steps)
§ List synchronization patterns, an overview
0.Coarse grained locking: one lock rules all.
bottlenecking! adding more threads doesn’t speed up
1.Fine-grained synchronization:
have more locks! Split object into independently-synchronized-components. Kindda complex, locking overhead
2.Optimistic synchronization
For linked set of components. Search without locking, only locks when need to
change a certain component. Cheaper than locking, but mistakes are expensive.
3.Lazy synchronization
postpone hard work.(like removing components)
- logical removal(easy to synchronize), mark delete, not actually deleting it.
- physical removal(difficult)
4. Lock-Free Synchronization
use hardware support(atomic operations). e.g.compareAndSet()
,Robust against
asynchrony: (e.g. some threads are slow or stuck,since the slower ones don’t
hold lock, others won’t get dragged). Disadv. comples, sometimes high overhead
§ Basic Setup.
public class Node {
Object object;
int key; // usually hash code, e.g. for ordering
Node next;
reasoning about concurrent data structures: Identify invariants, properties that always holds, use invariants to find out who is responsible for a fault.
set some invariants:
- Sentinel nodes(tail reachable from head)
- Sorted
- no duplicate
§ Synchronizations
coarse-grained: one lock rule them all
fine grained locking:
hand over hand locking, lock for each node. each thread only acquire locks on the nodes that they are opearating/watching
- delete node X, need to hold lock for both X and its predecessor.
- add node: lock predecessor, lock successor
- better chan coarse grained, can traverse in paralle
- not ideal: long chain of acquire/release, inefficient.
- bottle neck: allows concurrency but everyone always delayed by the front guy.
- Lock acquisition overhead.
optimistic list:
- find nodes without locking (traverse need no locks)
- lock nodes
- traverse again to make sure every ok.
e.g. remove node c: optimistically traverse list to find c, lock c.pred then lock c.curr. Re-Traverse list to find c and verity c.pred (still) precedes c.curr(otherwise try again or return false). Perform removal and release locks.
- wait-free traversal
- must have non-interference (natural in languages with GC like java)
- limited hotspots only at locked add(), remove(), contains() destination locations, not traversals
- drawback:
- two traversals.(yet they are wait-free)
- contains() acquires locks, but this method is the most commonly used one.
- scanning twice without vs. scanning once with locks(it depends, how fast is your lock?)
Lazy List: split logical removal and physical removal
like optimistic except: scan once, contains() never locks
removing nodes causes trouble, do it lazily:
- Scan list (as before), no locks needed
- lock pred & curr (as before)
- each node has “removed” flag.
- logical delete: marks curr node as removed
- physical delete: redirects pred’s next (as before)
e.g. to remove c:
optimistically traverse list to find c.
lock c.pred then lock c.curr
verify flag and that c.pred precedes c.curr
set flag (logical removal)
perform physical removal and release locks
- no need to rescan (check pred is not marked, curr is not marked, pred points to curr)
- wait-free traversal: in the set(no marked), not in the set(marked or missing)
- if the check failed, release all the locks and re-traverse the list.
- contains() need no lock
- do not need a second traverse(as in optimistic).
- still need to lock pred and curr node
- if lock holder stops/stuck, others using the lock suffer.
Lock-free List, using RMW(read modify write) operations
: set new value and return old value
(CAS): set new value and return true if old value matches expected value, return faluse otherwise
boolean compareAndSet(int expValue, int newValue);
public class AtomicMarkableReference<T>{
public T get(boolean[] marked);
public boolean compareAndSet(
T expectedRef,
T updateRef,
boolean expectedMark,
boolean updateMark);
// if object matches expected and Mark matches
// expected mark, then update obj to updateRef
// and mark to updateMark
public boolean attemptMark()
impl. use AtomicMarkableReferencenext
field of node. .
Therefore a mark bit is stored in the node’s next
(But logically, this mark bit marks whether THIS NODE is deleted)
AtomicMarkableReference: atomically updates mark and reference: prevents manipulation of logically-removed next pointer
Lock-free Lists:
- eliminate locking entirely
- contains() wait-free, add() and remove() lock-free
- lock-free add() and remove()
- lock-free find()
- “the art of multicore programming”
- FCDS Lecture, by Prof.Fetzer, TU Dresden.