nvidia-xrun solution on hybrid graphic + tearing free
This is a post on setting up nvidia drivers on laptop with hybrid graphic cards.
- OS: Archlinux
- Graphic: nvidia GeForce 960m + Intel HD Graphics 530
- i3 as window manager
- startx (xorg-xinit)
packages to install:
- nvidia
- bbswitch
- nvidia-xrun or nvidia-xrun-git (AUR)
Before setup /etc/X11/nvidia-xorg.conf.d/30-nvidia.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "nvidia"
Driver "nvidia"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
Make sure the BusID
matches the result of
$ lspci | grep -i nvidia | awk '{print $1}'
Run Window manager with nvidia-xrun
In my case, I simply modified my .xinitrc
file into a shell script and put it
somewhere in PATH
it’s something like this:
Now intead of using startx
, use command nvidia-xrun xinit_i3
to start X
with nvidia graphic card.
Avoid Screen Tearing
for intel graphic only, screen tearing can be avoided by adding or modifying this file:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Driver "intel"
Option "TearFree" "true"
For nvidia, we need to set the parameter modeset
of module nvidia_drm
to 1.
Sadly, this parameter can not be modified in runtime, which mean the vsync feature can only be tweaked upon loading the nvidia_drm module.
nvidia-xrun loads the nvidia related modules when they are unloaded yet. So modify the nvidia-xrun config file:
Now there is still a problem: before calling nvidia-xrun, the nvidia* modules has already been loaded by OS without the modeset parameter, so the nvidia-xrun will not do anything to the modules.
So there are 2 ways to deal with this
1.add something to modprob config: so that the modeset=1 parameter will be set when loading nvidia_drm.
options nvidia-drm modeset=1
2.the hacky but easy way: edit the nvidia-xrun script, so that it tries to unload the preloaded modules first, then loads the modules itself with correct parameter.
/usr/bin/nvidia-xrun (PARTIAL)
# >>> unload the preloaded modules first. <<<
execute ${COMMAND}