bundle multiple ssh operations in scripts

z.B. upload a file to the server using scp and call a script on the server to handle the file(in this case: call lp to print it).



ssh $USER"@"$HOST "lp ~/TEMP/TASK"

the scripts will ask remote password twice since scp and ssh don’t share a SSH session.

Of course the best solution to this is using pub key.

Another solution to prevent multiple password input is to ask for password input with read -s from command line and use sshpass to provide password for scp and ssh. This wouldn’t leave the password in bash history.

So here is a modified script:



echo -n "input password "
read -s password

sshpass -p $password scp $FILE $USER"@"$HOST":~/TEMP/TASK"
sshpass -p $password ssh $USER"@"$HOST "lp ~/TEMP/TASK"
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