time to write neovim plugins
Finally it’s time I make (neo)vim plugins myself. When I have the time, of course…. This is atm just a scratchpad of ideas.
Some ideas:
hugo helper: typically you use the
hugo new
command to create a new page document. It will use your predefined archtype (or default settings) to create a frontmatter. Doing this manually is a pain, e.g. for a proper RFC 3339 date string you may need:r! date --rfc-3339=seconds
. There are more on my wishlist but now it would be nice to have a wrapper that simply call hugo to parse the archtype and insert the parsed archtype template for me (not like hugo new). Unluckily hugo doesn’t seem to provide an option tohugo new
to print to stdout… I may need to hack something together.. (like, with a temp file?) -
bundle plugins for basic extensions. There are so many seemingly trivial stuffs that I have to achieve via some plugins … one plugin for x, one plugin for y … And some of them are just overkills. I want a simple plugin that bundle all these trivial needs with simple toggles.
- just fucking delete : if you don’t know, all vim deleteion commands will overwrite your clip-board register1. I need a command that simple deletes.
- fucking identations: I want hard tabs for identations and soft tabs for alignments. There are scripts floating around but I need a better wrapper.
- pair brackets with no bullshit : this is a very basic need, I have no idea why vim doesn’t have it by default. (And existing plugins seem too heavy for what they do)