random pieces
Superficial and random. You name it.
Sat Oct 26 11:59:56 AM CEST 2024 [URL] “For Greek rationalism, from Plato to Aristotle and others, knowledge meant understanding causes. In this way, defining God meant defining a cause, beyond which there could be no further cause.” - Eco, Interpretation and Overinterpretation.
With metaphysics, all reasoning leads to the final question – what’s the point of life? to which the answer is either nihilism (no, life is meaningless) or the denial of humanity (no, our existence is no different than the animal, or any lifeless object).
An Omniscience assigns an answer to the final question, a deus ex machina, , a cause of all causes, a meaning of all meanings – isn’t that appealing? In my atheist mind, I see divinity as an escapism; A disciple is a punk.
Sat Oct 26 08:38:07 PM CEST 2024 [URL]
我讨厌“人性”和“揭露社会黑暗”的电影标签,确切地说,我讨厌作为商品属性的这两个电影 标签。
Mon Oct 28 01:04:23 AM CET 2024 [URL]
When you try so hard to be unique, the identity is lost and the work becomes mediocrity – when it carries the only mission to be different.
Mon Oct 28 11:33:44 AM CET 2024 [URL]
The Restoration of Ave Maria Narrated Version - Baumgartner Restoration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G1C3aBY62E
One thing I learned from art work restoration/retouching/conversation is that you don’t hide the existence of a patch and you respect the fact that some parts are missing from the original piece; You respect the original work by making your retouch disguishable for the audience, and the next generations of audience.
Tratteggio: ist ein Fachausdruck für eine Malweise aus feinen Strichlagen. […] Diese Maltechnik wird hauptsächlich von Kunstrestauratoren angewandt um eine Fehlstelle einer Malerei zu ergänzen. Dabei setzt der Restaurator mit feinen Linien und Strichen Pigmente ein, die das Gemälde aus der Ferne gesehen vollständig erscheinen lassen. Der restaurierte Teil bleibt aus der Nähe betrachtet erkennbar.
Gewählt wird diese Technik meist aus Respekt vor dem ursprünglichen Künstler des Werkes, indem der Restaurator nicht dessen Malstil, Pinselführung und Techniken imitiert. Zudem bleibt so auch für spätere Generationen leicht nachvollziehbar, welche Teile eines Kunstwerks original und welche ergänzt sind.
Since I don’t see a English wiki, I’ll provide my rough translation:
Tratteggio is a technical term for a painting style that uses positioning of fine lines.
This painting technique is primarily used in art restoration to complement a missing part of a painting. Because the restorator uses fine lines and stokes to fit in the pigment, the (restored) artwork looks complete from a distance. However at a closer look the restored parts stays distinguishable.
The choice of this technique (in restoration) is mostly out of respect for the original artist by not imatating the painting style, brushwork and techniques. Also for the future generations to easily understand which parts of an artwork are original and which parts are supplemented.
Mon Oct 28 08:13:29 PM CET 2024 [URL]
Some alt names
- derived from Neuntöter:
{9t, SerialKiller9}
- shrik3 -> shr1k3 -> 5hr1300 -> 171300 -> 1713
- derived from Neuntöter:
Tue Oct 29 02:42:24 PM CET 2024 [URL]
human made music, human made machine, machine made music for human, machine made music for machine, machine decides it doesn't need human, machine decides it doesn't need music.
Fri Nov 1 01:34:06 PM CET 2024 [URL]
on assisted suicide, a few questions.
What’s a matrix that justifies a will to suicide?_
- is the applicant limited to, in a typical sense, patients?
- disability, physical suffering, mental suffering
- loss of will to live (even without any pain, illness or disability)
- no reason is necessary, all application to assisted suicide should be approved
How available should assisted suicide be?
- should it stay as is, an expensive service, in only a-few country (I mean, Sweden)?
- should it be legal everywhere?
- should it be cheap?
- should it be covered by health care?
Does the suicide assistant bear moral burden?
- no, it’s their job and there is no morality/ethnics involved
- yes, they make a living by taking others'
- even doctors who unfortunately failed to save a life sometimes feel guilt, let alone actively ending one (even by the patient’s own will).
What could prevent abuse?
- not every patient is conscious enough to make the decision
- mental manipulation exists
Does it make us value life more, or disregard life more?
- death with dignity, this is respectful
- but when ending other people’s life becomes a norm, are we becoming cold?
What about their loved ones?
Fri Nov 1 01:34:06 PM CET 2024 [URL]
sad but true, populism sells, every fucking where.
Fri Nov 8 03:25:14 PM CET 2024 [URL]
A Song 4 Hate & Devotion - Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
There is nothing in my heart, 爱兮无心 that is how I love you There is nothing in my heart, 恨兮无心 that is how I hate you There is nothing in my hand, 允兮无予 that is what I owe you There is nothing in my mind, 思兮无念 that is what I think of you This is a song for hate and devotion 怨兮歌兮,悃兮歌兮 For all of you, who mean nothing to me 子之所持,何系我心 There is nothing in my heart, 爱兮无心 that is how I love you There is nothing in my heart, 恨兮无心 that is how I hate you There is nothing in my hand, 允兮无予 that is what I owe you There is nothing in my mouth, 念兮无言 that is what I speak of you This is a song for hate and devotion 怨兮歌兮,悃兮歌兮 For all of you, who mean nothing to me 子之所持,何系我心 There is nothing in my heart, 爱兮无心 that is how I love you There is nothing in my heart, 恨兮无心 that is how I hate you There is nothing in my eyes, 盼兮无物 that is how I see you There is nothing in my soul, 怀兮无念 that is what I feel for you This is a song for hate and devotion 怨兮歌兮,悃兮歌兮 For all of you, who mean nothing to me 子之所持,何系我心
Mon Nov 18 04:05:09 PM CET 2024 [URL]
当你把 “性资源” 这三个说出来的时候,我们已经没有继续交流的必要了。 -
Tue Jan 14 11:27:24 AM CET 2025 [URL]
On one hand, capitalists monetize and weaponize copyrights. They sue you for using stuffs that they do not own1. And if they do own the copyrights, good luck if you want to fair use. On the other hand, they themselves violate copyrights by claiming it’s “fair use”.
It’s not about whoever owns whatever intellectual property or whoever uses whatever content with whatever purpose, it’s about how much you pay for lawyers. And guess who’s the winner, between you and the mega corps?
Mon Feb 3 10:03:14 AM CET 2025 [URL]
“but half of us didn’t vote for <that guy>":
Like the rest of the world don’t know how your democracy works? As you still brag about your superior “freedom” and mock (while ignoring their suffering) the third-worlds so hard like “these monkeys live under dictatorships and have no idea of democracy and freedom” then you really should shut up.“who are you, like, a Chinese telling an American about free politics and free speech?"
– see? Exactly what I mean. This insolence just renders your “I didn’t vote for <that guy>” statement double hypocrite. Now your “freedom” fucks up and I have no sympathy.“I voted for <that guy> and/or I didn’t vote for <that women>” not because I like <that guy> but because <that women> sucks more.
yeah… tell me about that. You chose nazi calling it “lesser bad”. Now you are like “I didn’t see that coming”.“it’s state/police violence…and we just can’t …"
in a nation that causes conflicts around the world for its own profit, for fuck’s sake, yeah….You just so gladly enjoy your privileges until shit hits the fan, don’t you? And since when do you give a fuck about state violence? Like you see Chinese, Russian, North Korean people as accomplice of their dictator regime?“no one said those”
call this a strawman if you like.May God have mercy in you, America. Because the world doesn't
Sat Feb 8 04:58:02 PM CET 2025 [URL]
Rabbit hole fever (i.e. fuck ADHD)
So the other day I was writing my thesis and this:
Some software freezes my graphic environment. My keyboard just lost response and I can’t even swich to the tty with
to kill the offending process. No big deal, my workflow is pretty fault tolerant, just a very rare event, reboot, done.- Then I was like, isn’t there SysRq? Why do I have to reboot the system when I know exactly what goes wrong?
- And I looked into the archwiki to see how I enable this. Easy, just a kernel
parameter. Use
, done. - Then I looked into how I can use this on a keyboard that doesn’t have a
key. A few error-trails, easy, done. And wrote a post - Then I looked into the how this keyboard escape sequence works, reading some wiki, wrote a post
- Then I went ahead to use
SysReq + r
to “unraw” the keyboard mode – this allows me to use the keyboard when the graphical environemnt freezes. – it works, good. - Then I looked into how I can recover from the “unraw”, what was the previous keyboard mode?
- Then I tried the
program only to be told my keyboard is in “unknown mode”. - This is obviously wrong. So I some C code with
syscall to query theKDGKBMODE
, it was “disabled”, not “unknown”. - Then I read the manual, the desktop environment sets keyboard mode to disabled because it doesn’t need to read keyboard from tty. Fine.
- So I looked into the
source code, realizing it is missing a branch in the switch case for the newly added “disabled” mode. - Then I read the kernel mainlist list archive to find where this change was made.
- And I sent a patch to
to fix the issue.
And fuck, I was writing my thesis.
For example, Getty Images sells this photo from NASA for up to 475 Euros, and does not give you any additional authorization than NASA already does (without a fee). There have been countless farces by their partner company, “视觉中国(VCG)”. ↩︎