{timeline} on Fediverse
This is a digest of my most recent posts on fediverse. For privacy reasons only public posts are listed here; also the conversation context and the IDs of other people are concealed. If you don't know what fediverse is, you should. Try out the de-centralized SNS!. If you want to join my instance, write me an email for an invite link!
It takes a few lines of script to render what you see here. blog.
@shrik3 ↪
@shrik3 ↪
git merging the master branch into your feature branch, are you sure you know what you are doing?????
@shrik3 ↪
@lhc_fl 在UI上可是一点都不保守,俗称瞎jb搞。
@shrik3 ↪
@lhc_fl 计划不错,但我在欧洲登录星屑,请问阁下如何应对?
@shrik3 ↪
说话非要扭扭捏捏给自己立个牌坊。“我们尊重女性/同性恋/trans/, 但是。。。”RT: https://stelpolva.moe/notes/9zxdpe4dsejj06vp
@shrik3 ↪
Character amnesia in Chinahttps://globalchinapulse.net/character-amnesia-in-china/文盲是我了。
@shrik3 ↪
@tusooa @seanking banning all guns in the US won't make your life harder either; In fact it would be much safer, but hey, just think about it.
@shrik3 ↪
@cel I mean the device :D
@shrik3 ↪
@cel do we have the same fridge ?? ...
@shrik3 ↪
搞了只鸟的ascii art进去
@shrik3 ↪
@Shemol pin上限改回去了
@shrik3 ↪
@natsuki @lhc_fl 你们怎么都这么有钱.jpg
@shrik3 ↪
@ncts 诶。。。我有调成0.4来着怎么又变回去了。。。(是量子波动!
@shrik3 ↪
@ncts 手动扣keyframe太累了,于是我复制粘贴了一个现成的。。。以后慢慢改吧 orz
@shrik3 ↪
改了下about页样式 啊!我的眼睛!
@shrik3 ↪
@Shemol 我改下
@shrik3 ↪
still better than slack :(RT: https://mastodon.online/users/wildebest/statuses/113384302571953642
@shrik3 ↪
"he is slowly learning how to unplay the guitar"-- Skwisgaar Skwigelf
@shrik3 ↪
@icarus want allowlist anyways for a fun? We have a tool for that, it's called a web forum.
@shrik3 ↪
喜报是我站可用高达 99.83 %This server has been monitored since 3 years ago with uptime of 99.83%悲报是我站似乎没几个活跃用户。
@shrik3 ↪
1. 闭嘴
@shrik3 ↪
@lhc_fl 是直接停止(主动)与整个实例互动?
@shrik3 ↪
@lhc_fl 我记得实例失联超过一个时间之后就不会再发信息过去了?
@shrik3 ↪
和德国朋友聊天我:你一个信撒旦的金属党为啥是天主教徒?答:因为我妈是天主教徒,我不信教就没法继承遗产。that's brutal.
@shrik3 ↪
把dragon fly 看成 dagon fly的我一定是被古神低语迷惑了心智。
@shrik3 ↪
@natsuki 原来是这样解决的吗!.jpg
@shrik3 ↪
@natsuki 通过删除加载动画的方式解决了服务器响应慢的问题。
@shrik3 ↪
TIL Tratteggiohttps://shrik3.com/rand/#4
@shrik3 ↪
Before you buy a domain name, first check to see if it's hauntedhttps://www.bryanbraun.com/2024/10/25/before-you-buy-a-domain-name-first-check-to-see-if-its-haunted/:meow_alien:
@shrik3 ↪
@nyx the almighty internet decides your spell is broken.
@shrik3 ↪