{timeline} on Fediverse

This is a digest of my most recent posts on fediverse. For privacy reasons only public posts are listed here; also the conversation context and the IDs of other people are concealed. If you don't know what fediverse is, you should. Try out the de-centralized SNS!. If you want to join my instance, write me an email for an invite link!

It takes a few lines of script to render what you see here. blog.

[12/18/2024] @shrik3 ↪ TensorFlow incompatible with Python 3.13https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/78774
[12/18/2024] @shrik3 ↪ “做我们这行最忌讳的......”“...... 就是做我们这行”
[12/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @nosquito @opinion : )
[12/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @opinion 强制爱
[12/15/2024] @shrik3 ↪ :blob3c: 但我寻思两边一样高?看作整体那谁抵消 g
[12/15/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @nosquito 忽略摩擦力那熊动都动不了。
[12/13/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @wzyboy @felixonmars @akira 德语:你先把这个Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft 分开再说
[12/13/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @ncts yeah I agree, I won't say that.I quote it because ... well, riseup brags how left they are all the time, which kinda makes the joke.
[12/13/2024] @shrik3 ↪ WATCH: Attorney for man accused of killing UnitedHealthcare CEO speaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50XOwyUCg7g(comment) A good lawyer says a whole lot of nothing in front of the cameras
[12/13/2024] @shrik3 ↪ riseup [dot] net is regularly sending emails asking for donations in 9 languages while they don't seem to welcome any new user [1] . Also their ToS says "riseup [dot] net may terminate your service at any time for any reason. "some one comments: "this is leftists being leftists"[1] riseup is invite only, and for the past several years no one (even years old account) can create invite code. The only official explanation is "spam situation".
[12/13/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @ncts hot take: I have no idea why gitlab is trying so hard to be different. All the complexity for no gain.
[12/13/2024] @shrik3 ↪ I still can't get used to gitlab UI. I'm visually abused.
[12/13/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @whynothugo perhaps just use a glue script like foot -- nvim $*for the "sync" part maybe nvr?
[12/12/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 想搜一下overlord结果肌肉记忆打了个overload出来 。。。。
[12/12/2024] @shrik3 ↪ Alles für Dumme
[12/12/2024] @shrik3 ↪ https://old.reddit.com/r/emailprivacy/comments/15gibcy/my_experience_with_riseupnet_banned/this ....
[12/12/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 还是受不了4k显示器 (27寸的样子) 这个dpi看得眼睛要瞎了。
[12/11/2024] @shrik3 ↪ autoconf: why can't you stop doing that?cmake: why can't you just do that?
[12/11/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 寻思重构一下某个组件,删了一堆代码,本来想编译一下看看error哪些地方有依赖,结果编译tm过了。过了。
[12/10/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 全世界的媒体都一个味儿RT: https://cyberplace.social/users/GossiTheDog/statuses/113627949597868757
[12/10/2024] @shrik3 ↪ my bottom line is that there should be no perceivable delay between my keystroke and the echo, some dozens of milliseconds. For the record, a 6th gen core i5 can do tens of thousands of syscalls within this frame.I don't give a fuck how powerful a lsp or completion or treesitter can do if I can't instantly see what I press.[edit] just realized I ranted about this already: https://shrik3.com/rants/#text-editors-edits-text
[12/10/2024] @shrik3 ↪ Every passing day the neovim community inches ever so slightly closer to reinventing emacs https://old.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/1e31l02/browse_the_web_in_neovim/
[12/10/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @jnktn_tv perhaps my server doesn't register your edit. It still shows 2023.
[12/10/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @jnktn_tv yeeeee we are still in 2023! :ablobcatbongo:
[12/09/2024] @shrik3 ↪ AGPL: Affero Gundam Pilot License:shinn_what: sancheck 不过的话禁止读取 libgundam.so 的符号表。大和滚系统前忘记签CLA导致黑屏。
[12/09/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 想输入:o 结果因为shortcode自动补全成 :olga: (:olga :)这何尝不是一种pun intended
[12/08/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @Yoxem srht 只有irc bouncer 和 CI 需要付钱,其他的是免费的。
[12/06/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 我脑子抽搐了一下
[12/06/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 请问我给AUR打包可以从debian的git 服务器拉代码吗 orz (应该不行吧,至少不应该)上游好像没有自己的repo ( 。除了debian 之外就只找到sourceforge上的一个不明压缩包。。