
This is a digest of my most recent posts on fediverse. For privacy reasons only public posts are listed here; also the conversation context and the IDs of other people are concealed

If you don't know what fediverse is, you should. Try out the de-centralized SNS!. If you want to join my instance, write me an email for an invite link!

[04/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 我去, 搜了一下发现还不便宜

[04/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 进行一个短平快的维护:(不排除手抖宕机的可能)

[04/20/2024] @shrik3 ↪ > Nobody seems to have noticed it but the Mastodon project have been granted funding by NGIZero in the Entrust fund. 另一方面, mastodon拿着这么多funding,终于决定支持 misskey 和 pleroma(基本没有funding)早就用爱发电实现了的东西。。

[04/20/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 刚在楼下捡了个750w的机箱电源, 四舍五入我已经拥有台式机了。看看还能捡到什么。

[04/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @brezel 我:(不管是什么物品都是)哪个口袋恰好空着就放哪个口袋。。。

[04/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @wzyboy @itokoi @pi btw "诸神黄昏 Ragnarök" 的英文wiki 也说 twilight.The singular form ragnarøk(k)r is found in a stanza of the Poetic Edda poem Lokasenna, and in the Prose Edda. The noun røk(k)r means 'twilight' (from the verb røkkva 'to grow dark'), suggesting a translation 'twilight of the gods.' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragnar%C3%B6k#Etymology

[04/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @alikia fira mono (不是 fira code), 因为不喜欢 ligature

[04/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ I'm thinking about migrating from nginx to caddy.Configuring nginx hasn't been pleasant for me. And I met some weird SSL issues while reverse proxying a container.

[04/18/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 即日起采用全新的 EUPL (European Union Public License)!https://sr.ht/~shrik3/rustubs

[04/17/2024] @shrik3 ↪ > Accessibility shouldn't be the default.https://github.com/rust-lang/style-team/issues/1#issuecomment-1442255344Think twice before showing off your ableism. I fart in your general direction.

[04/17/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @kt 那么,url又是什么呢

[04/17/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @Shemol 区块链和不管什么一起开发都挺违和的

[04/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ niz 的蓝牙接收器把自己烧掉了。。

[04/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @user while I do understand how this model works, it's still kinda mindblowing that they use strong copy-left licenses to impose such "restrictions".

[04/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ What the fuck.> Software vendors that adopt a choice-of-license model generally use AGPL (but sometimes GPL, e.g. GPL v2 or GPL v3) as the open source option.> The reason why AGPL (and GPL) are popular choice-of-license options is because they’re the copyleft licenses that impose the most conditions. As such, they have the effect of driving users who don’t want to comply with the license terms toward negotiating alternative (read: commercial) licenses.https://fossa.com/blog/dual-licensing-models-explained/

[04/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ TIL EUPL https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/euplAlso some thoughts: https://shrik3.com/bits/0x50/#pl

[04/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ https://zulip.com/:meow_awww:

[04/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 我想起来了,这人大概就是墙外版的留几手+吐槽鬼。Meh

[04/16/2024] @shrik3 ↪ [更新顶置]不回关巨型实例用户 (例如 mastodon.social)won't follow accounts from mega instances.

[04/15/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @pi 不在正文里 @ 的话大概就不会。

[04/15/2024] @shrik3 ↪ > 你不抽不就结了吗?我不在乎谁抽大麻, 但我不想抽二手大麻。同理二手烟> 我觉得可恶,就要斩尽杀绝稻草人谬误

[04/15/2024] @shrik3 ↪ counting nginx access log, my blog has ~10k access for the past week. Sadly there are less than 200 requests that seem to come from human (judging from the requested page and referrer). The rest are webcrawlers and botnet scanners.[1] I never share the log with a third-party; and I purge it on a regular basis

[04/14/2024] @shrik3 ↪