{timeline} on Fediverse

This is a digest of my most recent posts on fediverse. For privacy reasons only public posts are listed here; also the conversation context and the IDs of other people are concealed. If you don't know what fediverse is, you should. Try out the de-centralized SNS!. If you want to join my instance, write me an email for an invite link!

[07/22/2024] @shrik3 ↪ crowdstrike搞事后的第一个周一:netto (德国连锁超市)请来一大堆临时工 (没有工装和工牌),拿着小本本手动清点货架。
[07/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @rarepublic thanks for the input! by far the my favorite production setup is, unironically, logic pro + alchemy. I tried LMMS before but it crashes all the time (maybe it was just me).. Haven't tried FL on linux though. btw. do you have experience with those commercial linux DAWs (like reaper or studio one)?
[07/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ sigh.https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/pull/6842
[07/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @brezel 背面磨砂金属
[07/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 我发现ipad可以用来当鼠标垫。(还挺舒服的怎么回事)
[07/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @rarepublic nice article! btw what linux DAW would you recommend?
[07/21/2024] @shrik3 ↪ us: a lunatic becomes president and there is no alternative.cn: first_time?.jpg
[07/20/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 楼下超市想必也是被crowdstrike搞了… 店员把我的小票手工抄了一份在小本本上…
[07/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @tusooa @laozhoubuluo @senioria pass 也可以,需要 pass-otp插件
[07/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 想看MaXXXine, 可是FSK18的电影只有一些离得挺远的小电影院会放。
[07/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 游戏社区 be like
[07/19/2024] @shrik3 ↪ @lhc_fl 我最不能理解的就是黄皮纳粹这个群体。。。
[07/18/2024] @shrik3 ↪ and you need to signup and log in to your account and connect to their server to use a fucking terminal emulator.> Logging into Warp (Required)> Unlike classic terminals, Warp requires you to sign up and log in to get started with the app. Unique user identity is required to support Warp's collaborative features and it makes it easier for the Warp team to provide customer support, should you need to debug an issue.https://docs.warp.dev/getting-started/getting-started-with-warp#logging-into-warp-required
[07/18/2024] @shrik3 ↪ https://www.warp.dev/no, thanks.> Warp is the terminal reimagined with AI and collaborative tools for better productivity.
[07/18/2024] @shrik3 ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es7F0h1DKGsBlutengel feat. solar fake ... what ?
[07/17/2024] @shrik3 ↪ 重型EDC.....