{timeline} on Fediverse
This is a digest of my most recent posts on fediverse. For privacy reasons only public posts are listed here; also the conversation context and the IDs of other people are concealed. If you don't know what fediverse is, you should. Try out the de-centralized SNS!. If you want to join my instance, write me an email for an invite link!
It takes a few lines of script to render what you see here. blog.
@shrik3 ↪
@shrik3 ↪
@shrik3 ↪
充了lwn.net 的会员,体验几个月看看值不值。
@shrik3 ↪
啊这y2k画质简直梦回六间房。。看了直播,kde需要整个好点的网络 (屏幕共享掉了,而且声音也卡卡的)。despite the tech issues, thanks for the talk, @tusooa. :meow_blush:RT: https://kazv.moe/objects/bf9730eb-5c14-4f33-8b88-dfc5b5c84e7a
@shrik3 ↪
https://shrik3.com/log/offline_fri/Obviously I failed. But I need to install a regular downtime, again.RT: https://bgme.me/users/Harriet/statuses/113100940774366700
@shrik3 ↪
@ncts I do use libredirect for other stuffs.staying with yt mostly for music, don't want to be bothered with backing up/exporting/importing my playlists and follows unless there is a __really_stable__ said proxy instance. I don't want to self-host it either.(by "stable" I mean at least live for several years)
@shrik3 ↪
WTF youtube?????it's pushing afd propaganda feeds????
@shrik3 ↪
Okay it's actually an XY problem for me: why am I using waybar internal clock (hwclock + tzdata) while there is already `date` on the system?...RT: https://vnil.de/objects/077babfe-e091-4fed-82b8-70bf1914bb32
@shrik3 ↪
> std::chrono::tzdb: cannot locate zonetzdata is broken on archlinux. :meow_facepalm: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/tzdata/-/issues/1[edit]: probably it's only breaking waybar.
@shrik3 ↪
@no @blueglass 我一直觉得“摇滚精神”是个很扯的词。
@shrik3 ↪
@shrik3 ↪
linux kernel: what's my purpose?dev: you bootload the browser.linux kernel: oh my god.RT: https://stelpolva.moe/notes/9xwzeqdj7dri037e
@shrik3 ↪
开源软件名是个元素x动物的笛卡尔积{fire, ice, water, thunder, ...} x {fox, cat, bird, whale, shark, fish, ...}
@shrik3 ↪
Your boundary is at hue 185, bluer than 93% of the population. For you, turquoise is green. ....RT: https://ramen-fsm.eu.org/users/midX/statuses/113089357415771489
@shrik3 ↪
@lhc_fl 看不到看不到
@shrik3 ↪
TIL Room Temperature Challenge> When a person is killed its body temperature lowers to that of the room it's in. Clearly you never want to win the room temperature challenge.
@shrik3 ↪
你德国也开始枪战了youtube screenshot : breaking n…
@shrik3 ↪
看时间,三个人都举起了自己的casio f91w 。而这三块f91w各有各的自制表带。 :blobcat3c:
@shrik3 ↪
我们这边 HPC 硬件供应商都是 bull(atos) 来着,经常因为各种问题沦为吐槽对象"what are you expecting? it's a bull system!" -- anonymous colleagueRT: https://m.cmx.im/users/antares314/statuses/113078060273750195
@shrik3 ↪
@lhc_fl 这小小的葡萄我从来没吃过 - 左小诅咒
@shrik3 ↪
重启firefox (+重新打开8个标签页)比我重启系统都慢。aaaaaaaaaaaaa
@shrik3 ↪
The name stabs comes from symbol table strings, since the debugging data were originally saved as strings in Unix’s a.out object file’s symbol table.:blobcat3c: cite:Introduction to the DWARF Debugging Format - Michael J. Eager
@shrik3 ↪
首先,把subject等价为CW是mastodon 自己的设定。在其设定中,你们只能在fedi上发推特,不能发文章,所以也不需要标题这个东西,如果有需要那就一定是NSFW。500字的东西要什么tl;dr啊,是吧。
@shrik3 ↪
https://shrik3.com/bits/0x53/最近都没怎么写周记...总之先把前几周duct tape 一下,下周一定努力