$ ls -l | grep 2024

22 Jul 61 避免部分互联网内容 (ongoing)
11 Jul 94 bits 0x53 - Week 28 ~ ?, 2024 (WIP)
03 Jul 13 bits 0x52 - Week 17~27, 2024 [VOID]
27 Jun 156 Rants
10 May 1541 [CONTENT WARNING] code gore
06 May 140 Linux kernel code reading
06 May 173 The Fucking Web
30 Apr 48 Fiction
22 Apr 13 bits 0x51 - Calender Week 17, 2024
21 Apr 137 No bullshit hugo blog
16 Apr 288 bits 0x50 - Calender Week 16, 2024
08 Apr 37 bits 0x49 - Calender Week 15, 2024
07 Apr 1133 Travels bloody travels
05 Apr 369 System Maintenance Log
03 Apr 343 bits 0x48 - Calender Week 14, 2024
29 Mar 782 A Static Art Gallery with Hugo
26 Mar 12 I don't want to speak to ...
24 Mar 210 Hello html
24 Mar 343 bits 0x47 - Calender Week 13, 2024
18 Mar 386 bits 0x46 - Calender Week 12, 2024
14 Mar 417 bits 0x45 - Calender Week 11, 2024
10 Mar 185 bits 0x44 - Calender Week 10, 2024
10 Mar 0 bits 0x43 - Calender Week 09, 2024 [VOID]
25 Feb 56 // DRAFT // The archtecture terminimology madness
21 Feb 13 bits 0x42 - Calender Week 08, 2024 [VA]
21 Feb 0 bits 0x41 - Calender Week 07, 2024 [VOID]
16 Feb 419 // DRAFT // ELF: symbol table, linker script and assembly sugar
05 Feb 0 bits 0x40 - Calender Week 06, 2024 [VOID]
29 Jan 309 How much Page Tables / PTEs are needed for xyz amount of memory?
29 Jan 1026 bits 0x39 - Calender Week 05, 2024
24 Jan 685 bits 0x38 - Calender Week 04, 2024
16 Jan 263 bits 0x37 - Calender Week 03, 2024
15 Jan 247 The media exploits ADHD (WIP // DRAFT)
13 Jan 52 bits 0x36 - Calender Week 02, 2024 [VA]
12 Jan 837 reflections on how ChatGPT HAS changed things
03 Jan 400 C syntax is bad for regex
03 Jan 162 bits 0x35 - Calender Week 01, 2024

$ ls -l | grep 2023

31 Dec 70 bits 0x34 - Calender Week 52, 2023
17 Dec 652 bits 0x33 - Calender Week 51, 2023
17 Dec 12 bits 0x32 - Calender Week 50, 2023 [VOID]
07 Dec 415 openring + webring, build a suckless web
06 Dec 113 Chinese translations of OS terminologies (WIP)
06 Dec 265 bits 0x31 - Calender Week 49, 2023
03 Dec 1076 Comments on static blogs - the right way
30 Nov 853 Pinned: stuffs that I keep googling again and again and again...
28 Nov 0 Pieces
28 Nov 0 Dresden
28 Nov 29 a Neon Dream
28 Nov 4 Idols
27 Nov 903 schnitzel.nvim : my neovim config
26 Nov 146 bits 0x30 - Calender Week 48, 2023
20 Nov 532 bits 0x2f - Calender Week 47, 2023
19 Nov 172 Commission
14 Nov 557 bits 0x2e - Calender Week 46, 2023
09 Nov 844 bits 0x2d - Calender Week 45, 2023
30 Oct 521 bits 0x2c - Calender Week 44, 2023
22 Oct 1178 bits 0x2b - Calender Week 43, 2023
17 Oct 1287 bits 0x2a - Calender Week 42, 2023
16 Oct 46 Binary Hacks - Dump process virtual memory
15 Oct 85 Copying
14 Oct 394 Tile Split Tile Split Tile (rants)
13 Oct 148 End the holy war between space and tab indentation...
13 Oct 46 WIP? WIP!
12 Oct 274 Text to speech in (neo)vim...
09 Oct 442 Privacy and Data Collection
07 Oct 494 JS or no JS, that's a problem - towards a ZERO JS blog
07 Oct 267 Tomato clock!
06 Oct 248 Comment system on a static site without javascript???
05 Oct 462 Human as runtime
04 Oct 2602 Cursed C - snippets from Expert C Programming
04 Oct 205 C struct inheritence
03 Oct 254 set up SSH tunnel for machines behind NAT
30 Sep 425 (fluff) western numbering is unfit for computer science, embrace the oriental
22 Sep 383 Friendship ended with Packer
23 May 5 Live_in
03 May 3812 (WIP) Enclave Schizophrenia - What's TEE identity in Attestation?
04 Apr 403 Prepare a VirtualBox Image for Sharing
01 Feb 86 [WIP] send to stdin per PID
01 Feb 171 trivial spotify script..
31 Jan 127 Der Untergang des Wissens...
12 Jan 344 The cursed way to use a neovim-IDE on the CLOUD
05 Jan 438 Rust modules structure in a nutshell

$ ls -l | grep 2022

18 Nov 69 Notes on (neo)vim
17 Nov 557 vim tricks
08 Aug 307 C_quicknotes
08 May 873 List synchronization, from coarse-grained to non blocking wait-free
07 May 494 Colors - It's more complicated than you think
01 May 34 Counter
25 Apr 225 [OSC] CGA显示
24 Apr 103 postgresql upgrade
18 Apr 1548 A (neo)vim IDE setup for C/C++, that just works
11 Apr 496 Const Expression in c++
10 Mar 2 Deconstruct

$ ls -l | grep 2021

29 Nov 2 Shells
25 Nov 127 Make screenshare work in wayland
27 Oct 34 Weakk Memory Model, Barriers, and Compiler Optimization
20 Aug 1090 [FCDS] correctness conditions of concurrent programs, 3 types of consistency
18 Aug 57 关于我
21 Jun 307 now on fediverse(pleroma)!
21 Jun 166 die Todgeweihten interview (chinese)
14 Jun 236 Reflections on the isomorph album (cn+en)
11 Jun 209 Isomorph
09 Jun 326 Lambda-calculus: 布尔逻辑
08 Jun 123 Caching Mapping / 缓存映射
07 Jun 519 Lambda 演算
07 Jun 236 Extensionality
20 May 898 xmonad Experience + i3-like config
11 May 44 配乐很好听的动漫
04 May 351 Latex basic
29 Apr 1889 [FCDS] Mutex and Lock basics
18 Apr 45 Perfection at the price of humanity
13 Apr 55 啸叫
13 Apr 93 Christmas trees are stupid
13 Apr 169 CBSE notes
12 Apr 21 nice selfhosted services
06 Apr 44 记一次删库
13 Feb 55 语言的数量
03 Feb 156 OS notes
02 Feb 6 垃圾清理
26 Jan 93 switch vim buffers
11 Jan 6 一点体会

$ ls -l | grep 2020

01 Dec 14 自动机
30 Nov 479 快速幂模的两种实现
25 Nov 203 IEEE754 单精度浮点数
19 Nov 355 Vektorraum, Untervektorraum und Spannraum
18 Nov 195 GPG Quick Notes
18 Nov 412 nvidia-xrun solution on hybrid graphic + tearing free
16 Nov 427 Word problem(Decision Problem), Complexity and computing models
16 Nov 228 Das Wortproblem und Berechnungsmodell
16 Nov 312 P,NP,NP-Hard and NP-Complete
11 Nov 679 Stellenwertsystemen, Konvertierungen und Genauigkeit
10 Nov 309 [Betrieb System] - Prozess & Thread
28 Oct 762 [Rsync] Basic usage
06 Aug 20 Fri. Downtime
22 Jul 313 Raspberry Pi as printing/file server
18 Jul 261 Quick note: Encrypted ext4
12 Jul 435 A simple kernel module
12 Jul 520 [LINUX] Major & Minor Numbers of device files
23 Jun 52 [LINUX] several mount commands
22 Jun 230 Installing Archlinux on removable media
11 Jun 841 Build your own search Engine
07 Jun 143 PubKey
07 Jun 205 My music projects - overview and listens
07 Jun 90 My music projects - overview (chinese)
07 Jun 99 Bookmarks
07 Jun 179 About
04 Jun 912 archlinux setup
03 Jun 1030 How RSA works
30 May 85 Vim tab&buffer confusion
29 May 181 [Python] NASA's astronomy picture of the day
29 May 430 Add katex support to Hugo
24 May 133 [LINUX] multiple ssh operations in scripts
22 May 693 Notes on cmake & makefile

$ ls -l | grep 2019

08 Aug 21 烤布丁与薄饼
04 Aug 56 [DEPRECATED] a makefile template
04 Aug 18 土豆浓汤菜谱
12 Jul 138 有关UUID
11 Jul 1631 [DEPRECATED] 一些archlinux的配置文件
09 Jul 53 指针传参hack
01 Jun 476 Just Random

$ ls -l | grep 1970

10 Oct 6 __.__.__
01 Jan 1295 微博模拟登陆研究
01 Jan 378 如何用区块链合约做一个赌博应用?
01 Jan 3 Memes
01 Jan 394 [DEPRECATED] archlinux使用贴士
01 Jan 124 _._._._