bits 0x30 - Calender Week 48, 2023
I’ve been pretty low this week, not much logged here.
§§§ Good Reads
Making a font by Rek Bell
Now I’m tempted to make mine.
Designing a SIMD Algorithm from Scratch by Miguel Young
§§§ Learns
RTL (Register Transfer Language) - The one last(?) step to take to understand linux’s low-level source code.
§§§ Linux Filesystem (WIP)
There are two subsystems that I don’t want to dive into, namely the filesystem and the network stack, I thought they were “prone to brain demage” because of the preceived complexity.
Now it has come to the point where I have to include some basic OS level FS knowledge into my kit.
Last week I roughly read a great article Anatomy of the Linux file system by M. Tim Jones to refresh my knowledge.
§§§ MISC
LLC 2023 - Rust: Abstraction and Productivity, by Linus Walleij
// youtube:: rnv9lFMroM