Tile Split Tile Split Tile (rants)

I love tilling window managers,it split my display in halves.
I love tmux, it splits my terminal in halves
and I love vim, it splits my workspace in halves

The cursed

|       |  vim split: main                |                                   |
|       |                                 |                                   |
| split |                                 |                                   |
|       |                                 |                                   |
| files |   > My lovely code              |                                   |
| tags  |                                 |                                   |
| lists |   int super_safe(char* str)     |                                   |
|       |   {                             |                                   |
|       |       gets(str);                |                                   |
|       |   }                             |        Browser                    |
|       |                                 |                                   |
|       |2                                | 5                                 |
|       +---------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
|       |                                 |                                   |
|       |                                 |                                   |
|       |  vim split: quick fix list      |        Anime girls                |
|       |                                 |                                   |
|1      |3                                |                                   |
+-------+---------------------------------+                                   |
|         Terminal Split : shell prompt   |                                   |
|                                         |                                   |
|4                                        | 6                                 |

Now my biggest headache is how to navigate through the panes! The problem is that each level (wm/tmux/editor) has its own modifier key (and keybindings). Currently I use Mod (win) key for window manager, Alt (or prefix Alt-W) for tmux and Ctrl (or prefix Ctrl-W) for vim. That is, to switch from 5 to 2 I need:

(IF in 4) (PRESS Alt-K) (ENDIF)
(IF in 1) (PRESS Ctr-L) (ENDIF)
(IF in 3) (PRESS Ctr-W) (ENDIF)

You constantly need to eyeball the cursor and DO A MAPPING IN YOUR HEAD: which fucking container am I in?

To make things even worse, each container has its own “workspaces”:

  • WM has workspaces
  • Tmux has sessions and windows
  • Vim has tabs and buffers

A real-world example of the …


Hey, why do you use tmux when you have WM?

Well, when I work locally I avoid using tmux. But when I’m working on a server (I often do!), I have to use tmux because I don’t want to start multiple ssh sessions, and most importantly the workspaces SHOULD NOT be attached to a ssh session because if the network break or I accidentally kill the terminal the remote programs will be killed and the works will be lost.

Remedy…? just a wild idea.

Maybe we can have a plugin for.. say wlroots, to also identify tmux panes and vim splits and put them in WM’s window tree, so that we can navigate with only one set of keybindings..

edited 02.11.2023
created 14.10.2023
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