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A (neo)vim IDE setup for C/C++, that just works

Honestly I don’t think over-functional completion and diagnostics give you any productivity. The same is true for highlighting: if you highlight everything, you highlight nothing. It’s a harmful mentality to think “oh I have to have the best tools before I get started.” No, tool is just tool, the purpose is production.

So this is what I want:

  • basic syntax highlighting.
  • completions based on current project.
  • jump to definition.
Const Expression in c++

NOTE: this is just copy-pasting from stackoverflow and some textbooks, see references below.

Make screenshare work in wayland

fuck it, why the fuck do I need to pull pipewire and wireplumber and 1024 other dependencies only for a fucking screensharing to work? This pipewire thing is also trying to take control of audio. I DON’T FUCKING NEED IT THANKS! . Can’t we just have something that do one thing and one thing well?

Just do this instead, use v4l2loopback and wf-recorder, set up a virtual webcam!

sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 card_label=VirtualVideoDevice
wf-recorder --muxer=v4l2 --codec=rawvideo --pixel-format yuv420p \
            --force-yuv --file=$(ls /dev/video* | tail -n1)

original post below

(under Archlinux/sway) ..

Weakk Memory Model, Barriers, and Compiler Optimization
I’m doing a seminar on this topic, sounds like a big one huh? … This is a placeholder for the moment, I will update the content as soon as I finish the siminar paper.
[FCDS] correctness conditions of concurrent programs, 3 types of consistency

How can we judge if the concurrent execution is correct? the schematics of concurrent consistency.

now on fediverse(pleroma)!

vnil.de is now a fediverse instance.

Lambda-calculus: 布尔逻辑

使用λ-演算定义True/False, 并进行布尔运算。

Caching Mapping / 缓存映射

Cache映射的三种方式,全相联(Fully Associative cache),直接相连(Direct-Mapped cache),组映射(k set-associative cache)

Lambda 演算



Lambda / Functions / Extensional / Intensional

xmonad Experience + i3-like config

I recently moved from i3 to xmonad. This post is about what I feel and my configuration.

Latex basic

LaTeX basic usages. takeaways from Luke Smith’s Latex tutorial

[FCDS] Mutex and Lock basics

NOTES ON [FCDS] : mutex.
Keywords: Mutual Exclusion, Locks, Peterson’s Algo. Filter Algo. Bakery Algo.

CBSE notes


nice selfhosted services

recently put some self-hosted tools on the VPS.



OS notes

Basically , links

switch vim buffers

A better way to switch between vim buffers


虽然这个算法已经滥大街了,但我们离散数学课里讲的al-kachi算法与常见的二进制幂略有不同, 所以写篇笔记记录一下。伪代码通俗易懂,但具体实现比较让人不爽。


IEEE754 单精度浮点数

关于IEEE754 单精度浮点数的定义,转换与数值范围

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