my notes. Most text are copy-pasted from other sources for my own reference. If you copy these, please keep all reference to the origins. The posts may be relocated.

::notes::hw::Caching Mapping / 缓存映射
::notes::hw::TSC and High precision time measuring
::notes::lang::bash::frequently used
::notes::lang::c::{variable scope trick, nested declaring, bitfield}
::notes::lang::c::struct inheritence
::notes::lang::c::Const Expression in c++
::notes::lang::c::C++ de-alienation / 祛魅
::notes::lang::c::GCC inline assembly
::notes::lang::c::modern c features
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++11
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++14
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++17
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++20
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - overview
::notes::lang::c::Smart Pointer
::notes::lang::rust::Rust modules structure in a nutshell
::notes::linux::device number 1
::notes::linux::device number 2
::notes::linux::install linux (Deibian) w/ bare qemu
::notes::linux::RCU fundamentals
::notes::linux::{SeLinux, MAC, LSM, DAC, AppArmor}
::notes::linux::tooltips::disk encryption (ext4)
::notes::linux::tooltips::linux FS tools {mount, overlay, chroot}
::notes::linux::tooltips::mount commands
::notes::misc::IEEE754 单精度浮点数
::notes::misc::Lambda 演算
::notes::misc::Lambda-calculus: 布尔逻辑
::notes::tooling::the GNU autosomething
::notes::tooling::AWK basic usage
::notes::tooling::cmake notes
::notes::tooling::GPG Quick Notes
::notes::tooling::Latex basic
::notes::tooling::perf cheatsheet
::notes::tooling::rsync basic usage
::notes::z_old_archive::Prozess & Thread
::notes::z_old_archive::CBSE notes
::notes::z_old_archive::Vektorraum, Untervektorraum und Spannraum

Books I read

::readings::ongoing: Interpretation and Overinterpretation (Umberto Eco)

regular "posts":

::post::The media exploits ADHD (WIP // DRAFT)
::post::archlinux setup
::post::[DEPRECATED] archlinux使用贴士
::post::Binary Hacks - Dump process virtual memory
::post::Bochs code reading, notes and hacks
::post::C syntax is bad for regex
::post::reflections on generative AIs
::post::Colors - It's more complicated than you think
::post::[FCDS] correctness conditions of concurrent programs, 3 types of consistency
::post::how fast are things in Linux (WIP)
::post::Cursed C - snippets from Expert C Programming
::post::The cursed way to use a neovim-IDE on the CLOUD
::post::ELF, symbol table, and dynamic linking (WIP)
::post::(WIP) Enclave Schizophrenia - What's TEE identity in Attestation?
::post::[FCDS] Mutex and Lock basics
::post::now on fediverse(pleroma)!
::post::Git or not git ... lessons learned (WIP)
::post::nvidia-xrun solution on hybrid graphic + tearing free
::post::Hello html
::post::(fluff) western numbering is unfit for computer science, embrace the oriental
::post::Add katex support to Hugo
::post::Human as runtime
::post::JS or no JS, that's a problem - towards a ZERO JS blog
::post::Friendship ended with Packer
::post::List synchronization, from coarse-grained to non blocking wait-free
::post::[LINUX] multiple ssh operations in scripts
::post::previously on neovim (ONGOING)
::post::openring + webring, build a suckless web
::post::OS notes
::post::Chinese translations of computer terminologies (WIP)
::post::[OSC] CGA显示
::post::How much Page Tables / PTEs are needed for xyz amount of memory?
::post::postgresql upgrade
::post::P,NP,NP-Hard and NP-Complete
::post::Installing Archlinux on removable media
::post::Prepare a VirtualBox Image for Sharing
::post::Raspberry Pi as printing/file server
::post::[DEPRECATED] 一些archlinux的配置文件
::post::How RSA works
::post::schnitzel.nvim : my neovim config
::post::scripts::NASA's astronomy picture of the day
::post::scripts::Text to speech in (neo)vim...
::post::scripts::trivial spotify script..
::post::scripts::Tomato clock!
::post::scripts::switch vim buffers
::post::Build your own search Engine
::post::selfhosted AUR repo
::post::A simple kernel module
::post::set up SSH tunnel for machines behind NAT
::post::Comment system on a static site without javascript???
::post::A Static Art Gallery with Hugo
::post::[WIP] send to stdin per PID
::post::Stellenwertsystemen, Konvertierungen und Genauigkeit
::post::SysV ABI (AMD64)
::post::End the holy war between space and tab indentation...
::post::// DRAFT // The archtecture terminimology madness
::post::Tile Split Tile Split Tile (rants)
::post::Notes on (neo)vim
::post::Vim tab&buffer confusion
::post::vim tricks
::post::A (neo)vim IDE setup for C/C++, that just works
::post::Make screenshare work in wayland
::post::Weakk Memory Model, Barriers, and Compiler Optimization
::post::Word problem(Decision Problem), Complexity and computing models
::post::Das Wortproblem und Berechnungsmodell
::post::xmonad Experience + i3-like config
::volatile::Add your link // 添加友链
::volatile::[CONTENT WARNING] code gore
::volatile::harmful thoughts ...
::volatile::fiction, illusion and dream
::volatile::fired footguns
::volatile::避免部分互联网内容 (ongoing)
::volatile::No bullshit hugo blog
::volatile::Koffein ...
::volatile::Linux kernel code reading
::volatile::Pinned: stuffs that I keep googling again and again and again...
::volatile::random pieces
::volatile::rants and shitposting
::volatile::request for comment
::volatile::Scratch Pad
::volatile::System Maintenance Log
::volatile::test page
::volatile::Travels bloody travels
::volatile::Wiedergabe - Musik Review