my notes. Most text are copy-pasted from other sources for my own reference. If you copy these, please keep all reference to the origins. The posts may be relocated.
::notes::algo::快速幂模的两种实现 |
::notes::hw::aarch64::mnemonics |
::notes::hw::Caching Mapping / 缓存映射 |
::notes::hw::TSC and High precision time measuring |
::notes::lang::bash::frequently used |
::notes::lang::c::{variable scope trick, nested declaring, bitfield} |
::notes::lang::c::struct inheritence |
::notes::lang::c::Const Expression in c++ |
::notes::lang::c::C++ de-alienation / 祛魅 |
::notes::lang::c::GCC inline assembly |
::notes::lang::c::指针传参hack |
::notes::lang::c::modern c features |
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++11 |
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++14 |
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++17 |
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - C++20 |
::notes::lang::c::modern-cpp::modern cpp features - overview |
::notes::lang::c::Smart Pointer |
::notes::lang::rust::Rust modules structure in a nutshell |
::notes::linux::device number 1 |
::notes::linux::device number 2 |
::notes::linux::install linux (Deibian) w/ bare qemu |
::notes::linux::RCU fundamentals |
::notes::linux::{SeLinux, MAC, LSM, DAC, AppArmor} |
::notes::linux::tooltips::disk encryption (ext4) |
::notes::linux::tooltips::linux FS tools {mount, overlay, chroot} |
::notes::linux::tooltips::mount commands |
::notes::misc::Extensionality |
::notes::misc::IEEE754 单精度浮点数 |
::notes::misc::Lambda 演算 |
::notes::misc::Lambda-calculus: 布尔逻辑 |
::notes::tooling::the GNU autosomething |
::notes::tooling::AWK basic usage |
::notes::tooling::cmake notes |
::notes::tooling::GPG Quick Notes |
::notes::tooling::Latex basic |
::notes::tooling::Makefile |
::notes::tooling::perf cheatsheet |
::notes::tooling::rsync basic usage |
::notes::z_old_archive::Prozess & Thread |
::notes::z_old_archive::CBSE notes |
::notes::z_old_archive::Vektorraum, Untervektorraum und Spannraum |
Books I read
::readings::ongoing: Interpretation and Overinterpretation (Umberto Eco) |
regular "posts":